about 3 wonderful things

#1 the band thing

ga pnahh kbayangg bs gabung ama bandd.haha.
tb2 aja bs ktemu.dan yaa.gw iya aja.haha
mskipunn gw bingung gmn caranya mrk minta lat cm 2x?
secara acaranya di LAPIZZ
udah tauu pake lagu ciptaan dia sendiri
blm tentu cocok ma suara gw.hux.
yahh eniweii, urusan merekalahh.
gw cm dimintain tlg jadi vokaliss nya duank kok. haha

#2 my (love) life is back !

finally i'm soooo over it (him). yippeee! if he likes another girl and wanted a new girlfriend, it's no prob for me. personally, i will never do that, cause i care with my life. i'm not living to love. but i love to live ! : )

#3 quote this

this song is sooo awesome ! it really gets me on the mood !

"Boys boys boys
they gimme gimme they gimme
They follow my voice
Boys boooys
they gimme gimme they gimme"
~ashlee simpson

yup ! a delicate woman doesn't run out of boys .. boys need girls..

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"Hampamu, takkan hilang semalam, oleh pacar impian, tetapi kesempatan. Untukku, yang mungkin tak sempurna. Tapi siap untuk diuji. Kupercaya diri, cintakulah yang sejati."

i know that u like someone now. it's all out of my life.
but i'd still love you, i try to, just as friends.

cause it is more clearer now, since we're apart
we can't stay like this, quarrel all the time.
i wish u the best, for our sake

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what should i named this? out of topic?? xp.

i let this feelings come and stay in my heart
tryin' to keep it as long as i can
though sometimes it won't be good for both of us
but i like to say that i still love u
no matter what u do to me

i don't expect as much as i did before
i know that there's no more connection between us
i never know if you really feel the same way as i do
but 1 thing i have promised to myself and to you
i will always keep my love for u forever
as long as i can, as long as it could be
and i still pray for you
each day, each night

*my heart still love you, and it's truly yours, though my words are just not enough for you to believe me like yesterday.*

i miss u>>

XOXO, colla

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thank u.~~

i thanked u for answering my prayer
though u gave me different way in my life
i still don't know why
but it's OK
u don't have to fulfill my dream
and i can imagine u now
without seeing u
i know the answer now

hope this strange feelings could stay in my heart

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2008 review

tauun ini bener2 bukan taun nyenengin di hidupp gw..
dari awal taun ampe sekarangg, adaaaa aja yg jd msalah.

emg c yg namanya hdp ga bs seneng2 doank.
tp tlg dehh, siapa jg yg mau dpt masalah ky gini??

MARCH - broke up with my ex.

JUNE - no plans for holiday. yg artinya gw mesti stay di rumah dengan mengikuti bbrp les2 kayak berenang, mandarin. mati ga sehh. udah ky bukan libur aja.

SEPTEMBER - having fight with my mom. sampe kalang kabut cariin dia yg tb2 ilang di mall. dan gak ketinggalan dgn tangisan heboh yg akhirnya pecah jg. di food court pula!! ampe gw hrs nelfon oma gw utk nenangin semuanya. fiuhh.

OCTOBER - pembantu gw pulang, dan sbg gantinya muncul pembantu yg suka ngebuang barang gw tanpa blg2, termasuk kotak obat gw, bikin gw pusink aja. plus harus liburan di mall tiap ari. pergi jam 10, pulang jam 12 malem gr2 sodara gw mau keliling2, termasuk the trip to dufan yg bnr2 sumpek abiss.

and the worst thing is..

since the march tragedy, i still can't forget him. though we fight a lot, i still love him. and i think it's kind of stupid cause.. i guess he forget about me, about our memories and i think he moved on already.

T_T (my heart.. by acha & irwansyah)

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aduhhh MIII.. ngapain sihh lo mesti ke beijing ampe dua mingguu??

gr2 itu, gw jd ga bs wawancara lo. plus kaga latian vokal slama 2 mingguu. kebayang ga sihh, tiap rabu cuma adanya les biola, biola dan biola??

i won't die for it. sorry, aunty. but it's on the second place.

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kmrn pas malem TAKBIRAN ramee bgd di kemayoran. >.<
kell br nyampe rumahh jam 10.30 gara2 mesti ke Slipi duluu.

huff.and the trip to dufan wass soo not. &.&
mau puasa kek ato engga tetep aja dufan ramee.
klo bkn krn dipksaa jg males kell ksana.

ohyaa satu hal yg remind kell dr kmrn.
kell tiba2 ingett wktu dulu prgii k dufan bareng cbuz
and i think it's kind of worth it when i remembered all the things he had done before.
kadang kell ngerasa klo ini semua ga adil.
tp sbnrnya, kell pikir2 dia jg nyumbang sesuatu yg udah bikin kell bahagia dulu.

jd yaa mgkn fair kan klo skrg dia bahagia dan kell GAK SEBAHAGIA DIA. -,-'

pantaskah semuanya?

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